
Showing posts from September, 2019

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Bucket Filling! Today we read the story Have you Filled a Bucket Today by, Carol McCloud.  We then had a discussion about how we fill and dip buckets daily.  We asked that the kids go home and choose one act of kindness to help fill your buckets today. FYI ~AM Kinder tomorrow ~ Dress to be active, we love yoga and the outdoors everyday!

Tuesday September, 24, 2019

Toonies for Terry! Tomorrow we will be having our annual Terry Fox run around the soccer field.  As a school we will be raising money to help support cancer research.  If you are able please send a Toonie for Terry tomorrow.  The whole school run will be at 1:30 and everyone is welcome to join.  The AM kinders will be doing their own run in the morning, weather permitting.  Please dress your kids for the weather! Help me write my name! We have been working hard on learning each others names as well as writing our own.  Please help me practice writing my name with 1 uppercase letter and the rest lowercase. ~Last Call for Book Orders... Please place your order by tonight if you wish to make a September order!~ ~Please check out our FYI page for the Kindergarten Curriculum at a Glance!~ ~Picture day Thursday!~

Tuesday, September 17

Hello Everyone, Over the last few days we have continued to participate in activities to build our classroom community and get to know each other better.  In Math we have begun to work on sorting objects in more than one way and explain the sorting rule.  In Literacy students have been participating in read a louds, responding to reading, printing the letter F, the sound that F makes and words that begin with F. We have also gone outside with both AM and PM classes to the pond as part of environmental education.  The students came back and recorded as a whole class what they saw, what the walk made them think about, and what they wondered while they were there. In gym the students have been exploring movement with music. Please remember to return the school forms if you have not already done so.  Interviews are this Thursday and Friday and therefore there will be no school for Kindergarten students on either of these days. Thank you to everyone who has already ...

Thursday, September 12

FYI... An email was sent home today regarding forms in backpacks, please check your child's backpack. We have loved getting to know your kiddos this week!  We have done lots of work on names, feelings and safe choices.  We hope to begin posting pictures of our learning ventures next week, however, we need signed forms back to give us permission.  These forms should be in your child's backpack today.   PM KINDER TOMORROW We will be walking over to the pond and spending lots of time outside, please dress your child appropriately.  Classes begin at 8:00 and doors are open from 7:50-8:00. Thanks!

Tuesday, September 10

Today we read The Kissing Hand and talked about our feelings from the beginning of school.  We practiced printing our names and wrote our how we felt.  We then colored a picture that matched the sentence.  The teachers have collected all of our work and put it into a class book which will be available to look at during interviews next week.  During math we counted how many people felt the different feelings and discussed which feeling more or less people felt.  

Welcome to Kinder!

Important Information  Snack - please do not send drinks other than water i.e.) juice, yogurt drinks - please practice opening snacks - 1-2 items (snack is 10-15 minutes long) Forest Friday - weather permitting we will be going outside on Fridays to spend some time learning in nature, please dress your kids appropriately - we have attached the Friday schedule on our FYI page for future reference - we will frequently visit the pond across the street Bathroom - please practice locking and unlocking public bathroom stalls - please practice washing and drying hands - please practice untucking dresses and shirts Family Picture - please send a family photo for us to keep, this helps with our home and school connection, we will be talking about our family