Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Center Fun

Over the past couple of weeks we have been investigating all things snow.  Check out some of our fun learning through play!
Reading winter books.

Making snowflakes out of shapes.

Building igloos with foam blocks and shaving cream.

Tracing snowflakes.

Building snowforts.

Investigating what happens when we add salt to ice.

Making snowflakes with loose parts.

How can you help at home...

We have been focusing on letter sound relationships and matching upper and lowercase letters.  Please reinforce this at home with your child. 
1. Play memory with upper and lowercase letter pairs.
2. Go on a scavenger hunt finding objects that begin with each letter of the alphabet or place letter stickies all over the house and find the matching upper and lowercase.
3. Play Eye Spy ( I spy something red that starts with the letter A...)
4. Play the Youtube video A is for Apple
5. Use the Starfall app 
6. Write each letter on a Popsicle stick as well as the word BOOM.  Put all the sticks in a pile and take turns picking a stick and identifying the letter and sound.  If you get it correct you keep the stick if not you put it back.  If you get the word BOOM you have to put all your sticks back.  You can also play this game with sight words. 

Need a challenge: ( I can match my upper and lower case letters, I know all my letter sounds)...
1. Practice reading and writing words using word families (AT family: bat, cat, mat, rat, etc.)
2. Introduce Dolch sight words (will be sent home in February with some students)  
3. Play sight word BOOM (directions found above)



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